Warehouse Planning

Stock Controll



Value Adding
in the Production

Management Consultancy

Project Management

- Planning of delivery schedules with high consideration of flexibility and cost concerns.

- Choosing the most appropriate delivering modes and equipment, meeting with the requirements of customers.

- Integrating transport organizer software, managing its implementation project and aftermarket activities.

Tools used in the transportation management:

-Linear programming which is ideal to solve a certain collection or distribution tasks on the minimal cost level, and highest possible vehicle utilisation.
-“Milk run” loops makes the collection and distribution highly reliable and countable, and helps to keep the stock level of the goods under control. In a case of ordering system integration, the milk run policy reduces the necessary goods handling activities as well.

By analysing transportation mode and ways we can help to our kind customers to choose the most suitable transportation way to meet with their entire request, independently whether it is only one single or frequent transportation requirement. Ensuring the highest speed, or flexibility, - depending the request of our partners-, on the highest safety and the lowest cost level.

All kind of domestic or international transportation tasks are a challenge for us, and we are pleased to perform them.


Logi-Kom Ltd.
8900 Zalaegerszeg, Csáfordhegyi út. 12.
tel.: (+36) 92 596 126, fax: (+36) 92 348 013
Mobil: (+36) 30 476 1121